Fear is the enemy
In our lives we will encounter fear. It is our biggest most powerful, most cunning, most treacherous, most subtle enemy. I cannot over emphasise how deadly fear is and how important it it's not to allow it into our lives.
Fear of going for a new job. Fear of tackling a crippling phobia by trusting our Lord. Fear of believing. Fear of being betrayed by our spouse. The list is endless and the enemy knows exactly what you fear and will use it against you to stop you believing.
Fight the good fight means to conquer by our trust in our Father. We have no strength of our own. In comparative terms we are feeble and helpless. But through the strength that Father Good supplies we are giants capable of conquering any supernatural army of which fear is a General.
You defeat fear by trust. You get strength by spending time with the Lord and learning to recognize his presence. You must conquer fear so that the Spirit can lead you to a great and happy future.
Trust me I know through painful experience that the enemy will do all he can to get you to fear. Fear leads to panic and panic leads to a loss of faith.
Fight the good fight Brothers and Sisters. Believe and live in peace and tranquillity with an abundance of money and health which is your birth right.
God bless you.
Brother Bright.
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