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Feeding Yourself For Spiritual Strength

During our lives we grow familiar with feeding ourselves for nourishment.  We often feed on the wrong food because we enjoy the taste even though we know it's bad for us. Before long we have put on more weight than we should and it becomes a burden to us.  what is wrong becomes addictive.  We feel heavy and sluggish.  The weight of what we have consumed pays a toll on our lives.  As human beings we focus on our physical being and our physical being seeks out sustenance that will nourish our human and often sinful habits.  this can be what we read, watch on TV, how we relate to others as well as what we eat.  This is what the secular world focus's on and this is who we feed meanwhile we starve our spiritual selves which also needs fuel, love and care.  For balance in life we need to feed our physical self as well as our spiritual self.  As believers this is vitally important for our healthy and happy existence.  we feed our spiritual se...

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