Follow His Orders

When Father Good speaks and tells you what to do simply put aside your reasoning and do it.  There has been many many times where during a moment I have sought His direction and I have been given an answer, or technically an order.  Rather than trusting I have gone ahead anyway and decided my own path instead of doing what I was told.  This has always been a mistake.

As followers of Almighty God we have to learn to take commands and have the courage and faith to follow them.  Father God never ever asks us to do anything evil, foolish, selfish, arrogant or short sighted, we normally achieve those failures by ourselves.

Seek direction regularly on anything you are unsure about then do what you have been asked to do.  This is hard at first but with trust it becomes easier and easier.  That's how you begin to walk in the Spirit.  As always Father Good makes it easy.  Our constant need to be in control makes our life difficult. 

Trust Him and watch your life and those around be transformed.  We were not created to make hard decisions on our own.  He wants to help us but we have to listen and believe.  Christ died in agony so that we could be given the Holy Spirit to enable us to hear His direction.  Thankfully his resurrection completed the cost.  Now it's up to us to use this gift and the supernatural advantage it bestows on us.


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